Boulevard Trees – Questions and Answers
At Qualico Communities Edmonton, we partner with our contractors to plant a variety of attractive deciduous trees in our communities to enhance the quality of life in your neighbourhood. Below, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about boulevard trees in your community. Why are trees planted in front of my house, on medians, and […]
Facts about Storm Water
We frequently receive customer questions about storm water systems in our communities. Here, we’ll give you a brief overview of storm drains, trap lows, and storm ponds, and explain how they help keep a community’s water system healthy. Storm Drains As part of the development of a new community, storm drains (catch basins) are mapped […]
A Guide to Different Types of Lots
Just as there are many different types of homes, there are many different types of lots. Lots can vary in their shape, size, slope, and even in the positioning of the house. Here is an overview of the various lots you might find in your community. TYPES OF LOTS Walk-out Lots Walk-out lots take advantage […]